Experience Certificate Format

An experience certificate is a written document that is given to an employee after he or she has completed his or her employment and verifies the employee’s experience in an organization. This page provides an overview of the procedure for providing an experience certificate as well as the format for the experience certificate.


The Experience Certificate paints a precise image of an employee’s former classification, roles, and related experience in his or her previous work. In many circumstances, a new company will request that the candidate obtain and submit an experience certificate from the former employer in order to confirm previous designations and time of employment.

Contents of an Experience Certificate

There is no set format for an experience letter. A good experience certificate, on the other hand, must have the following information:

  • The letter’s date of issuance.
  • A particular beneficiary. A certificate of experience can also be given to “Whomsoever it may concern.”
  • Name of the employee.
  • Role/Designation/Title.
  • Dates of joining and resignation.
  • Work on the details of the role’s core operation.
  • Any other pertinent employment information.
  • Best wishes for the candidate’s future aspirations.
  • The company’s signature and seal.



Dear Recipient Name

Line1 Address

Line 2 Address

City, State, and Zip Code

This is to inform and certify that Name was a full-time employee of ABC Group, Address as Operations Manager in the Operations Department from 03/2000 to 11/2018.

During his time with us, we discovered Name to be a competent, knowledgeable, and results-oriented individual with a theoretical and practical understanding of job needs. He has successfully completed numerous job-related training programs given by the company’s training department. He has a warm, outgoing demeanor, a great sense of humor, and works well as an individual or as part of a team, depending on the needs of the management.

Overall, Name enthusiastically carried out his duties and responsibilities, paying close attention to detail at all times. With his eagerness to work, learn, and grow, I am confident that he would make an excellent employee for any company. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific inquiries about his employment. I’d want to take this opportunity, on behalf of the organization, to wish Name all the best in his future career endeavors.

Best regards,



Name of the Company


 It should be mentioned that the experience certificate sends a clear message to the reader about your previous job or behavior, which accurately reflects your personality and professionalism. A certificate of experience can also be thought of as an indirect way of describing your professional talents.

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