IPO Support

IPO Support is required by Companies in order to pursue future growth, unlisted companies must take the crucial step of going public. Getting listed facilitates access to capital markets and direct funding acquisition. This enables the business to improve its financial standing, visibility, and reputation, as well as its capacity to find and hire talented human resources.

What is IPO Support?

Chhota CFO offers a CFO’s advisory services to the management and owners of the business, acting as an independent financial officer and assisting with the entire IPO process. After then, more services including handling public business compliances will be offered. Chhota CFO assists in the pre- and post-IPO process by offering a productive team of knowledgeable consultants for the necessary IPO support procedures to meet a diverse range of client’s needs. We provide broad assistance to our clients in the preparation of public offerings, ranging from developing the best capital policies and setting up internal management systems to producing compliant disclosure documents.

Complete evaluation and advisor identification

When IPO preparation gets underway, a thorough analysis of the company’s operations, finances, and management structure is completed. In order for a firm to successfully complete an IPO, the right identification and team selection of legal advisers, investment bankers, lawyers, tax auditors, registrars, accountants, etc. is required.
  • Negotiations:
We actively assist you in negotiating the best commercials, and deal terms with various deal advisors.
  • Due Diligence
The most intricate and important step of the IPO process is due diligence, which is a time-consuming procedure that includes legal, business, financial, and accounting due diligence. Therefore, it is necessary to collect and verify all the pertinent information needed for the IPO process to be completed.
  • Financial Forecast
To create a thorough financial projection model for investors, bankers, and financial advisors, sensitivity analysis is prepared. The functions for the financial forecasting process have been streamlined.
  • Assistance in Documentation
The documentation is ready from the management’s perspective because businesses need a solid foundation to apply for an IPO.
  • Presentations for investors
As investors play the most important role in the IPO process, full support is given; nonetheless, the influence on them should be favourable and persuading.
  • Investors Road Show
Investor road shows are a technique for issuers to introduce their securities to prospective buyers, therefore aid with issuing securities is offered through presentations, business etiquette, suggested actions, etc. for a successful road show.
  • Disclosures and Compliances
Investor road shows are a technique for issuers to introduce their securities to prospective buyers, therefore aid with issuing securities is offered through presentations, business etiquette, suggested actions, etc. for a successful road show.

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