How to make money from selling on amazon and flipkart?

You’ve always wanted to sell something on the internet, right? Accept the fact that not everyone can build a successful ecommerce business like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos or Flipkart’s Sachin Bansal, but anyone can join their journey and make it big. On Amazon and Flipkart, there are already over 100,000 sellers making good money. Looking at India’s e-Commerce demand, the country will require many more lakhs of sellers to meet consumer demand. The first question that anyone who has considered selling on online marketplaces will have is a simple and straightforward one. Is selling on Amazon and Flipkart profitable in India? It’s a simple question, but the answer isn’t so straightforward. This blog aims to decode this question and examine the answer from every conceivable perspective. We’ll start with what people with experience have to say, then look at the data and consider real-world issues and opportunities. We’ll also discuss how to profitably make money online and sell on Amazon and Flipkart in India in this post. This is something that can change your life forever if you are a manufacturer or trader. What are the problems that one can face selling on online marketplaces?
  • Returns, Returns and Returns
 Regardless of which negative article you read, it always comes back to this one single issue. The reasons and real-life examples range from very real to very strange issues that are deeply rooted in India. So, how do returns affect the business, and why is this such a big deal that it drives people out?
  • Returns eat up margin
If a product is returned for any reason, you, as the seller, are responsible for the return logistics costs. Which eats up all the margins for some products (high weight and volume).
  • Foul play by the buyers
 At the end of the day, it’s a buyer’s market, and buyers are taking advantage of it. A used product is frequently returned to sellers.
  • It is your independent business
 There are a variety of viewpoints, but most sellers believe that Flipkart is more seller-friendly, while Amazon is more buyer-friendly. Though this is debatable, individual experiences may vary. But one thing is certain: these major players are unconcerned. So, to be clear, if you have any problems while selling, other than technical glitches and listing issues, don’t expect any help from the marketplaces. They have millions of sellers just like you, and they don’t seem to mind if you lose money. It’s only you who has a problem. So, these are primarily the issues that people encounter when selling on online marketplaces. These are serious issues, and many people who fail to address them leave the market believing that selling on Amazon and Flipkart in India is unprofitable. They return with a heavy heart and vent their frustrations in online forums and social circles. How to make money from Amazon?  Amazon Business gives entrepreneurs the ability to register their businesses online. Amazon then acts as a product warehouse, fulfils orders, and provides customer service. It allows a businessman to act as if he or she were a large corporation without actually being one. It’s a stress-free working environment that helps your company expand its reach.
  • Register for Amazon FBA
 Once you sign up for FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon, Amazon is responsible for your products’ warehousing (storage, picking, packing), shipping, returns, and refunds. To begin selling with FBA, you must first find a product (for example, from Alibaba), improve it, and label it with your own private brand. Register for Amazon Seller Central and enter your product details. Ship your items to Amazon, and their fulfilment centre will handle distribution. Customers who purchase your product on Amazon will have it delivered by Amazon.
  •  Sell bulk products
 Amazon Business is a B2B marketplace where you can sell wholesale products. For business customers, it’s a blessing in disguise because they get special prices when they shop on Amazon. It’s a great way to get started as a wholesaler with over 55 Fortune 100 companies listed on Amazon and exclusive business features like requests for quotes or the option to showcase your certifications.
  • Leverage Retail Arbitrage
If you’re a complete beginner in this field, the best way to start making money on Amazon is to use retail arbitrage to cut down on the exorbitant shipping costs. As intimidating as the name may sound, it’s a simple process in which you buy stocks (search for discounted products) from a local retailer and resell them on Amazon for a profit.
  • Publish books using Kindle
 Those with writing skills can use Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing service to get their book publishing dreams off the ground. KDP is a fantastic way to publish digital books in as little as 24 to 48 hours, and it’s available on Kindle all over the world.
  • Sell handcrafted goods
 Those with a passion for crafts can join Amazon Handmade’s seller list, which includes people from over 80 countries. Given the high demand for these items, it’s an excellent platform for selling your handcrafted items at a profit.
  • Sell through affiliate marketing
 Affiliate marketing is unquestionably one of the most popular and effective methods available today. Simply join Amazon Associates and use the affiliate links they provide to promote other people’s products on Amazon. You must, however, have a website or blog where you must create sales copy for that product. For example, if you have signed up to promote a mobile phone, you may create product review content with an affiliate link to that product. After that, you can earn anywhere from 3% to 5% of the conversion rates. Take surveys, write reviews, create webinars, participate in forums, sell used products or professional services, create private brands, or be a drop shipper—Amazon has something for everyone who wants to work from home. So, while you’re shopping on Amazon for your favourite items, don’t miss out on the opportunity to make some money. How to make money from flipkart? Flipkart, India’s largest online marketplace, assists you in grouping your products and reaching a larger audience. Flipkart lists the following factors that help entrepreneurs get off to a good start:
  • The lowest possible cost of doing business
  • Doing business is simple.
  • The fastest rate of growth
  • The most accessible online marketplace
After you’ve set up your Flipkart Affiliate account, the next step is to conduct some research. It is critical that you select the categories on which you want to concentrate for maximum success. You must decide whether you want to promote all Flipkart categories or just a few. Here are some pointers to assist you in making this decision:
  • Your passion can help you figure out which products you’ll feel most at ease promoting. If you have a particular interest in a product category, you should work with it because you will have more knowledge and experience with it. You’ll be able to sell those products to others as well.
  • Your skill set is another important factor to consider when deciding which category to work in. Working with all categories may be a viable option for those with a more complex skill set, but for most of us, focusing on a few categories that suit our skill set is the best bet.
  • Your level of expertise in the categories you choose will have an impact on your success. If you want to work in the electronic gadgets category, for example, you’ll need technical knowledge to know which products are better than others and how they can help customers. This will help you persuade more people to buy your product.
We’re ready to start making money once you’ve decided which category or categories you want to work with. However, in order to maximise your Flipkart affiliate earning potential, you must first invest some resources. As the amount of traffic increases, so will your chances of making money from it. Soon, you’ll notice that your Flipkart affiliate account is generating sales, and before you know it, you’ll be celebrating your first Flipkart income. How to sell on Flipkart and Amazon?
  • Flipkart and Amazon allow you to register as a seller.
  • Make a list of the products that fit into a specific product category.
  • When you receive an order, pack the items and mark them as “Ready to Ship.”
  • It will be picked up and delivered to the customer by the particular logistics partner.
  • The payment will be settled in 7-15 business days after the order has been successfully dispatched.
 How much money can one make if he/she sells on Amazon or Flipkart? It all depends on how much you can get for your money. Sell quality products, garner positive feedback, and become a best-seller in your niche. There are people who make tens of thousands of dollars every month. Summary: If you own a shop and sell products through it, simply change your role to seller and start earning more money. If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to make money online, simply sign up as a seller on Amazon or Flipkart. You can be a housewife or a retiree who sells products on Amazon and Flipkart and makes a lot of money. The best part is that Amazon and Flipkart handle all of the logistics, packaging, and other details. All you have to do now is relax and keep your products ready to be picked up when orders come in. Isn’t that fascinating!

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